Saturday, May 20, 2006

One would think that I have nothing to whine about. I mean really, you take a day off of work and meet with people who have been the best in your life for the past four years! You get to meet authors for the first time face to face and they actually remember your name AND your Yahoo! ID. You realize that the funniest person you've ever met on line is actually the funniest person you ever met in real life. This is important since the person you once felt was the best friend you have ever had turned out to be a psyco-paranoid lying bitch!

So really! What the hell do I have to be a whinner about.

Well... today is my birthday. A day to sleep in and do only what you want to do.

BUT (nod to Connie... yes I started a sentence with But!) today was not to be that day. Instead, it started with the cutest boy in the world sneaking into the queen sized bed. This bed isn't made for two adults (way) over 200 lbs. So, birthday girl wakes up with a knee in her over full bladder. She gets Darling Boy and Darling Husband out of bed... only to have Darling Girl arrives singing Happy Birthday in a strange voice. Mommy says, "Darling, do you feel ok?" Darling says "Well my froat feels sore." Mommy feels DGs forehead and WOW are you feeling a bit hot DG? Yep. Get temp. Yucky, electronic thermometer and get 97.4. Ok, Mommy takes own temp and gets 97.4 too. Send Daddy out for thermometer from store.

An hour later, Mommy has hours of Urgent Care and is waiting for Daddy (not patiently) to get back home to get DG to UC. Daddy shows up and the family leaves for UC. Three hours later, DG has strep throat and UC refuses to give shot because DG refuses to take shot.

Ok, I still have time for RT book signing. NOT

Now, DH's family wants to see movie that Vikky doesn't have any desire to see. What to do with three children?? VIKKY can watch them! Sure, she already had plans today, but what the fuck? Why can't she watch children, she's only going off to see people she works in the (get this) porn business with.

Hubby folds under family pressure and suddenly, Vikky's birthday is taking a downturn into hell. She starts blowing gaskets and has a complete and absolute melt down in the middle of the MALL for crap's sake!!!

Ends up being the worse day ever, everyone is concerned about movie times and my lake of flexibility to watch children when I'm needed. To top it all off... my brother is the ONLY person to call me on my birthday from MY side of the family.

In fact the only people who have made my birthday feel special is my new family, Changeling Press. With Sheri at the head of birthday wishes, I got “All Wrapped Up”. It was signed by three of the four authors (Angela (who’s husband is GORGEOUS), Ann, and Dakota… Kate wasn’t at RT) as well as any other CP author I could find at the time. It was beautiful… made me cry in a good way… as opposite of what my family has made me cry.

So there you have it. My complete mental break down and the me me me day blown to shit.

I’m such a baby!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Update time! Wow, I've been so bad lately. Haven't read one book for review but I have finished editing the two books I had (Immortal Blossom and I'm Falling for the Vampire) and they are into their respective publishers. I've proofed Dakota's newest masterpiece (Blunder Woman) and am almost finished with the next in Cat Marster's her Sundown series (Never Leave Me). If you haven't read this series yet, you need to. They are loosely linked by a company named Sundown but each really stands on their own and they are fast paced (good for me) and active! I also haven't touched a craft in so long I probably wont remember how to!

Let's see I've also signed Lorraine up for Karate... God help me! Here she is in her uniform (TOO big as you can see). She the smallest in her class but actually does listen to the teacher when he gives direction. This is a HUGE change from her every day listening activities! Her Mother's Day present made me cry like a big baby!!

The saying at the bottom is: Mommy has red, orange, and white hair. It's pretty! She doesn't cook, but Daddy does. We go to the park together to play. I love her so much, all the way up to the moon!

Wyatt's picture was a picture of him in a frame he decorated at school:

Well, I better get back to work so the boss doesn't get mad! Plus the IT people will hunt me down for accessing my blog and destroy it. Their mean people... even though I sleep with one of them, they don't give me special access to the internet. Can you believe it?

PS: I'm going to meet with ARR people for breakfast on Friday and CP people (including Dakota, Isy, and Michelle) for lunch on Friday. Jealous? LOL

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

NNNNOOOOOOOO! I would have BET money that Chris Daughtry was going to be the next American Idol. I have no money, but dammit, I would have bet it on him. So imagin my complete and udder shock tonight when, not only was Chris on the bottom two, but he was the one voted off.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love Taylor's showmanship and voice, Elliot can belt out a song, and Katharine is beautiful and can sing like an angle, but Chris rocked. I mean he ROCKED. I would text vote for that man so many times and then throw in a few texts votes for one or two of the other contestants. For every 1 vote I threw at someone else, I voted for Chris at least 4 times.

So tonight I'm sad, cause I couldn't wait to see what else he had in store for us. This has been a most difficult, I really enjoyed most of the singers and feel that the last couple of weeks have been the hardest to decide who not to vote for.

I'm going to hide now.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Me blogging, who would have thought it. This’ll be mostly ramblings and nothing important. I have a lot of interests and hobbies, but nothing I’m extremely serious about… except for reading!

I’m 36 (will be 37 this month), married for 13 (going on 14) years, 2 children (Lorraine 6 and Wyatt 4), 1 dog, 1 inherited 20 yr old bird, 1 hamster, 1 Beta fish, and tons of debt! We live in Deltona Florida (home of the mass murder and 3 hurricanes in 2004, and multiple sinkholes in 2005). However, we live 30 minutes from the beach and I hate being cold! Both Erik and I work for the
Volusia County Sheriff’s Office in the same building. I work for the Career Criminal Unit. We deal with registering felons and sex offenders. Since the start of the Jessica Lungsford Act, we have been extremely busy at work. We have to re-register sex offenders twice a year now.

I also work for
Ocean’s Mist Press and Liquid Silver Books as an editor, proof for Changeling Press, and review for A Romance Review. In my spare time I read, knit, crochet, and cross stitch. However, as you can tell I don’t have much spare time. Since I can’t edit, proof, review, or read a sequel until I read the first book(s), spend a lot of time reading!

Currently I’m working on:

Editing: Immortal Blossom by
Taige Crenshaw at OMP and Help I’m Falling for the Vampire Next Door by Celine Chatillon at LSB.

Proofing: Blunder Woman by
Dakota Cassidy at CP… Dakota has an awesome blog.

Reviewing: The Mad Knight’s Bride by
Kate Hill, Celestial Passions: Sheala by Judy Mays (which means I finally get to read Brianna first-refer to note about sequels), Flame of Shadows by Sahara Kelly, Ice Queen by Joey W. Hill, and Carolina Isle by Jude Deveraux.

Knitting, crocheting, and cross stitch: a blue ducky baby blanket, a synthetic felt square blanket, and a dragon (respectively).

Ok, well it’s nap time and I can’t sleep with out Wyatt… or is that the other way around. Have a nice nap and a great day!